hiredthought’s avatarhiredthought’s Twitter Archive—№ 6,181

        1. …in reply to @fortelabs
          @fortelabs Neither condition (two big conversations OR a dozen small ones) is true for either scenario (1 or 2 Slacks). 😋
      1. …in reply to @HiredThought
        @fortelabs It could be... 1 big conversation in 1 Slack 30 little conversations in 1 Slack 2 big conversations in 2 Slacks 60 little conversations in 2 Slacks
    1. …in reply to @HiredThought
      @fortelabs I recommend disabling most notifications and grazing ad-hoc instead of treating Slack like a collection of inboxes.
  1. …in reply to @HiredThought
    @fortelabs It seems to me that it would be beneficial to think about what your role in the community is. Are you an architect, a caretaker, a researcher, a god?