hiredthought’s avatarhiredthought’s Twitter Archive—№ 30,862

        1. …in reply to @CGLambdin
          @CGLambdin @tom_d_kerwin @steveportigal @michaelthaber @Postobject Recommend this 10m video for a pretty straight-forward how-to! @HiredThought/1578823053923913729
      1. …in reply to @HiredThought
        @CGLambdin @tom_d_kerwin @steveportigal @michaelthaber @Postobject but if I were to riff on this tweet a bit... one of the bits of Wardley that @tom_d_kerwin was pointing out is that we like to make models of things to understand them. I hear this in Mike's question: what's a frame made of? what does it depend on?
    1. …in reply to @HiredThought
      @CGLambdin @tom_d_kerwin @steveportigal @michaelthaber @Postobject if the answers to that question looked a bit like this image (courtesy of bay frames allaboutframing.wordpress.com/tag/components-of-framing-art/), I think we'd soon realize we were talking about different things
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @HiredThought
    @CGLambdin @tom_d_kerwin @steveportigal @michaelthaber @Postobject so I come back to... what the hell is a frame? what's it made of? what's it depend on? watching a quick video on Dorst's ideas... it seems like the relevant parts might include metaphor and analogy, but that's a woefully incomplete list!
    1. …in reply to @HiredThought