hiredthought’s avatarhiredthought’s Twitter Archive—№ 28,461

  1. …in reply to @kattekrab
    @kattekrab @swardley @PracticeLibrary @cyetain @TimStasse @tdbeattie Simon's book and everything is free, and I've put together plenty of videos and blog posts that are free as well. If you have volunteers at RH who are into mapping, one easy step forward would be doing a quick literature review and making a shortlist of links.
    1. …in reply to @HiredThought
      @kattekrab @swardley @PracticeLibrary @cyetain @TimStasse @tdbeattie I can certainly help point folks in the right direction, e.g. to public resources like list.wardleymaps.com/ etc. I'm also happy to help answer questions people have as I have time!