The tricky part is the integration of wholes. How do you stitch things together? How do you create connective coherence between a whole and its part (which is also a whole)? I'm beginning to suspect that @cyetain has been secretly provoking me to think about this.
With something like Miro boards, it's easy to imagine. Miro board "A" is your index of sorts. It must be designed with traversal to other sub-Miro boards (such as "A.1") in mind. UX and all that. Links to follow. Ways to "back out" to "A" and so on.
I'm doing this right now with spreadsheets. The first spreadsheet I made was starting to get too messy... too overwhelming... so I added a simon-esque hierarchy: sub-spreadsheets that reference data in the original whole but hide anything irrelevant for their individual purpose.
At some point I'm going to design an online conference using this same kind of approach. With special care given to the traversals into sub-whole and back to the whole. Each space with enough mess to be interesting but not TOO MUCH.... no overwhelm, please.